燃烧卡路里大作战 [drop, clock in on day 8] Today I made fried cabbage, fried cabbage, carrots, fungus, mushrooms and bacon together. I put salt and pepper, but no more salt because bacon has its own salty taste. I must have lost weight this weekend. I slept at home and slept at home. I didn’t go out to eat and drink. I didn’t eat and drink at home. I felt that I was getting closer to my normal weight. This is my normal weekend eating rhythm. I must have taken it lightly the previous month. I went out to eat and drink on weekends. I think, to lose weight, you still need to maintain a state of not being too full. Occasionally eat too full, then you will be hungry. Continuously eating very full is the rhythm of getting fat. Well, the weekend gave me some confidence. Next week is the most suitable time for weight loss according to the physiological cycle. The week after my aunt, come on, come on!
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燃烧卡路里大作战 [滴,打卡第8天] 今天做了炒圆白菜 圆白菜胡萝卜木耳蘑菇培根一起炒一炒 放了椒盐 没有再放盐 因为培根自带咸味儿 这个周末肯定瘦了 在家宅宅睡睡 都没出去大吃大喝 也没在家里大吃大喝 感觉离正常体重又近了一些呢 这才是我正常的周末饮食节奏 前一个月肯定是掉以轻心 一到周末就出去大吃大喝 平时也没有节制才胖起来的 我觉得吧 减肥还是要保持不能太饱的状态 偶尔吃太饱之后就要饿一饿 连续吃很饱那就是必胖的节奏 嗯 周末给了我一些信心 下周正是生理周期所说的最适合减肥的时段 姨妈之后的一周 加油加油!