[Oat Energy Bar] Simple and Healthy Snacks If you want to eat snacks, you have to think about it, so just make a healthy snack with strong satiety, without adding any sugar at all. Learned from Douyin✨2 bananas🍌✨50ml milk✨1 egg✨50g low-gluten flour✨nuts (I added cranberries and peanuts) ✨280g oatmeal smash bananas first, then add eggs and Stir in the milk, sift in the low-gluten flour and mix well. Then go ahead and add the nuts and oats, and stir! Then press it all down on the baking sheet. Oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes, it's done, let it cool and cut into pieces! The slightly focal point of the oatmeal roast is delicious. I was lazy and used a small oven, the fire was not good, some of the bottom didn't rise, but it was still very chewy. There is no sugar in itself, and the natural flavor relies on bananas.
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Yamiセレクション 【燕麦能量bar】操作简单的健康零食 想磕零食,还得思前想后的,所以干脆做个健康的饱腹感强的零嘴,完全没有添加任何糖。 跟抖音学的 ✨香蕉🍌2根 ✨牛奶 50毫升 ✨鸡蛋1个 ✨低筋粉50克 ✨果仁 (我加了蔓越莓和花生仁) ✨燕麦 280克 先smash香蕉,然后加鸡蛋和牛奶搅拌,筛入低筋粉拌匀。再继续加入果仁和燕麦,搅拌搅拌! 然后全部压压的实实在在的在烤盘上。 烤箱180摄氏度30分钟,就搞定,放凉切块! 燕麦烤的稍微焦点很好吃。 我犯懒用了小烤箱,火不好,底部有一些没起来,但是还是很有嚼劲。 本身没有糖份,天然味道靠香蕉。