Haitao is finally here!
The items bought by Double Twelve finally arrived today! happy! ! ♪(´ε` )
This time, I bought a few sweaters and knitted sweaters, some of which were planted by @金豆豆大美 Aluminum, I am looking forward to it!
I also bought some cosmetics, marble eyeshadow palette, orange lip glaze and blush, false eyelashes...
There is also a super cute hair wrap! Super cute! Just feeling a little awkward? ? I took a shower today and I used it right away haha, now I think I should take a shower first ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )
ps, I want to complain here, why I didn't buy it on Double Eleven, because it's approaching the Double Eleven day! I asked the shipping merchant that I had been using before, but he... didn't reply to me until after the Double Eleven.... I also said without fucking _(:_"∠)_ After the Double 12, I immediately drew A new store, cheaper and faster!
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双十二买的东西今天终于到了!开心!!♪(´ε` )
这次买了几件毛衣针织衫,有的是被@金豆豆 大美铝种草的,超期待哦!
还有一个超萌的裹发巾!超级可爱!就是感觉有点难用??今天洗了澡,立马就用上了哈哈哈,现在想想应该先洗一洗的( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )
ps,这里要吐槽一下,为什么双十一我没买,因为快到双十一那天!我问了问我之前一直用的海运商家,结果他...双十一都过了才回复我....我也是无fuck说_(:_」∠)_ 之后双十二就立马画了一家新的店,价格更便宜,还快!