# 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 美食种草 # # 夏日消暑 # # 夏日美食 # How can summer be without Tremella soup? Especially after eating hot pot and barbecue, 🔥 the price goes up 🍭 easy to carry and brew 🍭 no flavors, pigments or preservatives are added, the ingredients are healthy 🍭 you can add some ice cubes in summer 🧊 a great way to cool down
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# 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 美食种草 # # 夏日消暑 # # 夏日美食 # 夏天怎么能少的了银耳汤呢? 尤其火锅烧烤下肚,🔥蹭蹭上涨 🍭携带方便,冲泡方便 🍭不添加香精色素防腐剂,食材健康 🍭夏天可以加些冰块🧊消暑利器