# 夏日防晒攻略 # This is one of the sunscreens I repurchase all year round! The white bottle is simple and fresh, and the pinhole design of the bottle mouth makes it easy to control the amount of use and convenient to use. The overall small and portable. The texture is white emulsion, moist and thin, will not burden the skin, and it is easy to spread. It will be a little white just after application, but it will be much better after two minutes. It is not greasy, does not stuffy skin, and does not dry out! But there will be a little whitening! Physical sunscreen is also a shaker. Be sure to shake it before use to avoid water and oil separation~
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# 夏日防晒攻略 # 这是我常年回购的防晒霜之一! 白色的瓶子简洁又清新,瓶口针孔型的设计,易于控制用量,也方便取用,整体小巧便携。质地呈现白色乳液状,水润轻薄,不会给肌肤造成负担,而且易推开且、刚涂完会有点泛白,两分钟后就会好很多。不油腻、不闷皮肤、不拔干!但是会有一丢泛白哦! 物理防晒同样也是摇摇乐,使用前一定要摇一摇,免得水油分离~