I forgot to buy shampoo once just used I bought this shampoo and conditioner from my roommate was planted instantly! The shampoo and conditioner smell amazing! Hair is super soft and
# 春季养身计划 # I bought two sets of this Overlord shampoo set, one for personal use and one for a friend. After using it, the friend is full of praise! She said that this shampoo is the best shampoo set she has ever used in the United States. After washing her hair, she feels that her scalp is clean and
❌ The fancy shampoo setStarted because of the appearance, but failed in the sense of use of its products...The first time I saw this shampoo set, I thought it was beautiful.The product is indeed attractive in terms of packaging, color, and taste.Its a pity that the sense of use is not my thing
The makeup cream is very easy to use. A good product will repurchase.
# 亚米经验值+1 #这个霸王洗发套装,这款套装包含468毫升防脱洗发液+98毫升防脱精华,我的购入价是18刀。【防脱洗发水】▪️萃取人参、丹参、苦参、何首乌、侧柏叶、当归、赤芝、黄芹等植物提取物,滋养毛囊;▪️添加维E,滋润头发;这些成分对头发补充营养有很多帮助、我用着效果很好。
# 亚米经验值+1 #这个是力士和玉桂狗联名系列的洗发套装,里面带有一个洗发水和一个护发素,这款洗发水和沐浴露非常温和,味道不错,养发效果非常好,头皮屑变少了,养身养发必备。