Japan's NATURIE Coix Seed Whitening and Moisturizing Lotion, 500ml per bottle, how to use it: wash your face and neck, dry with a soft cotton towel, then pour the lotion on a cotton pad, soak it and wipe it lightly, and then carry out daily skin care.
After reading the instructions, it is often used as a deep moisturizing mask. Apply the mask paper soaked in lotion to the face for 10-15 minutes. After use, the face feels moisturized, smooth, moisturizing and comfortable, and the multi-functional skin care effect is very good.
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# 无惧紫外线 #
日本 NATURIE 薏仁美白保湿化妆水,每瓶 500 毫升,使用方法是:洗净脸部和脖子,用棉柔巾擦干,再将化妆水倒在化妆棉上浸湿轻拭,接着进行日常护肤。
阅读说明介绍后,作为深层补水面膜用得较频繁,将浸好化妆水的面膜纸,敷脸 10-15 分钟即可,使用后感觉脸部滋润光滑、保湿舒适,多功能护肤效果挺好。