HEYTEA sparkling water with zero sugar and zero calories still tastes like Kyoho grape 🍇, which is very exciting😚This product is also called the bottled version of HEYTEA Succulent Grape. After smelling the strong grape fruit aroma, the refreshing and delicate taste and dense bubbles🫧I like to add ice cubes🧊 to make it more refreshing! The color is also very eye-catching!
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# 亚米经验值+1 #
零糖零卡的喜茶气泡水,还是巨峰葡萄🍇口味,十分令人期待😚这款产品又被称为喜茶多肉葡萄的瓶装版它使用的是真实的葡萄果汁,一打开瓶盖就能闻到浓郁的葡萄果香味入口之后清爽细腻的口感和浓密气泡 🫧我喜欢加入冰块🧊更清爽!颜色也是十分养眼!