#情你收下吧!# Yue's hundred-year-old Beijing sour plum soup. I prefer to make sour plum soup by myself, because I can control the ratio of sweetness and heavier ingredients by myself, and I feel cleaner and hygienic when I make it myself. This seasoning packet is simple to make. The only thing you need to prepare is rock sugar, but you can control the amount of rock sugar. If you don’t like sweetness, put less.
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# 情你收下吧! # 悦百岁老北京酸梅汤。我比较喜欢自己做酸梅汤,因为可以自己掌控甜度和更重配料的比例,自己做也觉得更干净,卫生。这个调料包做法简单,唯一自己要准备的就是冰糖,但自己可以掌控冰糖的量,不喜欢甜的就少放点。