I recently started to try instant miso soup🫕 I saw this HIKARI MISO miso soup when I was shopping in Yami. The comments were very high, so I added it to the cart🛒Try it and open it as soon as I received it. There are a total of 20 servings in one pack (dry pack + miso sauce) There are 4 flavours in the dry pack, each flavour has 5 small packs differentiated by different coloured bags (very intimate) I tried Tofu (one of the flavours) for the first time. The taste of tofu, seaweed and chopped green onion is exactly the taste of Japanese restaurants! Brewing is very simple, add some extra noodles and add it to the soup for children to eat, a simple and healthy meal is complete! How to make: 1️⃣Pour the dry ingredients and Miso Paste into a bowl 2️⃣ Add an appropriate amount of hot water, the package says 5-6oz (160ml) but I'm more casual 3️⃣ Stir well until the miso sauce is completely dissolved It only takes less than 1 minute to drink hot miso soup. It's really super easy. Will repurchase! # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #
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Yamiセレクション 最近开始尝试速食味增汤🫕 逛亚米的时候看到了这款HIKARI MISO味增汤 评论挺高的 就加入购物车🛒试试看 一收到就立马打开试了 一包总共有20份(干料包+味增酱)干料包有4种口味 每种口味有5小包 以不同顏色包裝袋区分(很贴心)首次尝试了Tofu(其中一种口味)里面有tofu,seaweed,葱花 味道很正 就是日餐店喝的味儿!冲泡非常简单 额外煮了点面加到汤里面给小朋友吃 简简单单又健康的一餐就完成了! 如何制作: 1️⃣将干料包和味增酱(Miso Paste)倒入碗中 2️⃣加入适量热水 包装上写的是5~6oz(160ml)但我比较随意 3️⃣搅拌均匀直至味增酱完全溶解 只要不到1分钟的时间就可以喝到热腾腾的味增汤了 真的超级简单 会回购! # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #