# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # It is said that many women like roses. Indeed, roses have an irresistible charm. I also like to drink rose tea. This bottle is a rosebud from Baihuatang. It's full. It's beautiful. The scent of roses is also very positive. There are many benefits of rose tea. It has the functions of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing lipids, beautifying the face and moistening the throat. You can drink it directly with boiling water. Or add it to green tea/black tea. Not only tastes more fragrant, but also sweeter. It also helps to reduce fat and oil. while maintaining beauty. Also lost weight haha. buy it!
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 都说很多女人喜欢玫瑰. 确实.玫瑰花有着让人抵抗顾不了的魅力. 我还喜欢用喝玫瑰花茶. 这瓶是来自百花堂的玫瑰花蕾. 颗颗摆满.好看. 玫瑰的香味也是很正. 玫瑰花茶的功效很多. 有活血祛瘀.降脂.美容养颜润喉等功效. 可以直接用沸水泡着喝. 或者加入绿茶/红茶里喝. 不仅喝起来更香.更甘甜. 还帮助减脂去油. 养颜的同时. 还瘦身了都哈哈. 买起来!