February 6, 2021
Drawing cool drawing cool drawing cool is cool! It's super spicy, and the spicy is extremely cool. I really must buy the brushed silk every time I place an order. Unless it is out of stock, or I must come in a bag for each flavor. Once I took the brushed silk as a dish and ate it with rice. Dayton, hahaha, so delicious #开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #
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拉丝爽拉丝爽拉丝爽就是爽!超级辣,辣的巨爽无比,我真是每次下单必买拉丝爽,除非断货,要不每个味道必须来一袋,有一次我拿拉丝爽当菜,配着米饭吃了一顿,哈哈哈,太好吃# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #