# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Highly recommend this Thai Little Boss's Fried Tempura Nori. Thai snacks are also delicious! Recently, I have tasted a lot of Japanese, Korean and Thai snacks on Yami, only to find that many Thai snacks are also delicious. For example, the salted egg yolk potato chips I sent before, and this seaweed. Said to be seaweed, in fact, its taste is very rich. It is a piece of seaweed with tempura chips attached to the back. It is crispy and crunchy. It has a mixed taste of shrimp chips, senbei and potato chips. So tempting, I've never eaten it before. The disadvantage is that the calories are relatively high, and there are more than 200 calories in 20 thin slices.
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Yamiセレクション # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 强烈推荐这款泰国小老板的炸天妇罗海苔。泰国零食也太好吃啦! 最近在亚米上尝了不少日韩泰的零食,才发现许多泰国零食也好好吃。例如之前发过的咸蛋黄薯片,还有这款海苔。 说是海苔,其实它的口感很丰富。是一片海苔后面附着天妇罗脆片,酥酥脆脆,有种虾片加仙贝加薯片的混合口感。好诱人,以前真没吃过。 不足之处就是卡路里比较高,薄薄二十片就有二百多卡。