December 19, 2020
# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # I took out a few packets of rice krispies from a large box of snacks, and quickly tore open the package and started eating. #yamiwang brought me surprises constantly! I have a good appetite. I haven't finished eating a box of snacks, and another box has arrived. This happiness is not to be dropped!
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 在一大箱的零食里面掏出了几包米花糖,快速地撕开包装袋开吃,又香又脆,吃了一个又一个,根本停不下来!#亚米网带给我惊喜不断!我的口福不浅,一箱零食还没有吃完,另外一箱又寄到了,这幸福感不要不要滴!