@lucywjy My wife said it was her first time eating bean skin. It tastes good, I like it, it is recognized! I want to say that Weilong, as a domestic product, is really arrogant. From the initial layout of the community business and supermarket channels, to the opening of the "Apple Concept Store" in the past few years + heavily hired popular stars as endorsements! I still remember when I was reading, the first time I saw Weilong's transparent packaging, the spicy strips inside were immersed in red oil, and there were some cumin grains, which made people curious. Pay to unpack it, sweet, spicy and cumin scent, the taste is quite magical. The encounter between people is quite wonderful. If I hadn't bought it more than ten years ago, I wouldn't have bought it for my wife...
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@lucywjy我老婆说,这是她第一次吃豆皮。味道很好,很喜欢,获得认可! 想说卫龙作为国货来讲,真的蛮牛。 从最初的布局小区商超渠道,到前几年开设出“苹果概念店”+重金聘请当红明星做代言!还记得我在读书的时候,第一眼看到卫龙的透明包装,里面的辣条浸没在红油里面,还有一些孜然粒,就让人很好奇。付钱到手拆包,甜甜辣辣还有孜然的香味,味道还蛮魔性的。 人与人的际遇是蛮奇妙的,如果我没有在十几年前买过,那我也不会给我老婆买…