# 如7而至 #
🍬Yami snacks grow grass🍬
😋 Midoji Seaweed Flavored Slices
I've been craving for buns for a long time, and Yachao in Tianli can't buy them either
I finally waited until Yami restocked and immediately placed an order for two packs
The taste did not disappoint at all
In a large bag, there are six independent small bags
There are 3 buns in each packet
Very convenient and hygienic to control food intake
The taste is crispy and crunchy, and there is also the fragrance of seaweed
I love it, I recommend it to you 🌟
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# 如7而至 #
😋米多奇 海苔味馍片
嘴馋馍片超久了 田里的亚超也买不到
终于等到亚米补货 立刻下单两包
很方便卫生 又好控制食量
口感酥酥脆脆 还会有海苔的香味
爱了爱了 推荐给你们🌟