# 被二哥种草了 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 童年回忆零食 # 亚米夜市] [Order Number: 2019071711329 yesterday has tried blessing sauce and peach gum planted grass today tried a long-awaited Yibin burning surface at noon to do a male votes broccoli cowboy The bone burning noodles are so delicious that I didn’t have time to take a photo. I made another one in the evening. This burning noodles is $8.39 for three servings. The unit price is very cost-effective. The packaging looks very good and feels very good. Each serving contains 5 The sample includes a burning noodle seasoning package. The sequence of steps is marked on it as shown in Figure 5. 1. Soy sauce 2. Chili oil 3. Sprouts 4. Peanuts are also very simple. Drain the water and take it out. Put the seasoning packets in and stir evenly. I have to say that this burning noodles tastes so much like my childhood. I belong to the mild spicy type that I eat in China. This spicy oil packet is all poured into the spicy oil. It's especially delicious with crushed peanuts! I like it so much 🥰 I will repurchase the grass planting 😘 I placed an order yesterday and saw that it was sold out yesterday. The friend who was planted grass quickly added an email reminder and waited for him to replenish it.

# 被二哥种草了 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 童年回忆零食 # 【亚米夜市】 订单编号:2019071711329 昨天先后试了福辣酱和桃胶 种了草 今天就尝试了期待已久的宜宾燃面 中午给男票做了一份西兰花牛仔骨燃面 太好吃了没来得及拍照 晚上自己又做了一份溏心蛋燃面 这款燃面$8.39三份 这样算下来单价很划算 包装颜值很高 手感也非常好 每一份都包含5样东西 其中包含一份燃面面条 调料包上面标注了步骤顺序 见图5 1.酱油 2.辣油 3.芽菜 4.花生碎 做法也很简单 汤锅加水煮开 将面条放进去煮2-2.5分钟 沥干水捞出 依次将调料包放入 搅拌均匀即可 不得不说这款燃面简直太像小时候的味道了 我属于在国内吃微辣型的 这款辣油包全倒进去辣度刚刚好 辣油和花生碎都特别香! 太喜欢了🥰 种草 会回购😘 前天下单昨天看已经售空了 被种草的小伙伴快快添加邮件提醒等他补货吧