# 2018剁手黑榜 # # 亚米开箱 # # 我要上精选 # y # 亚米晒开箱,拿礼卡,赢免单! # Yami first single, the 26th in the morning under a single number 26 noon, 27 noon to receive shipments! This is too fast, Yami, is your warehouse next to my house? lol, the packaging is very neat, none of them is damaged, but there is a packet of snail powder. Five-star praise
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# 2018剁手黑榜 # # 亚米开箱 # # 我要上精选 #y# 亚米晒开箱,拿礼卡,赢免单! #亚米第一单,26号凌晨下单 26号中午发货27号中午就收到!这也太快了吧 亚米你仓库是开在我家隔壁了吗lol 保装很整齐 一个都没坏就是有一包螺蛳粉不知道咋了大包装没封口,不过也没事呀。五星好评
March 27, 2019
Lazy cancer patients can live without grocery shopping for a month
懒癌患者可以一个月不用买菜了 泡面过活