# 我的囤货清单 #
The recently obsessed meat muffins must be stocked up! Although Yuchen Original Breakfast Meat Muffins have been praised, I still have to praise them seriously. I don't know how many boxes to buy! When I haven't eaten it before, I really don't understand why some friends buy five boxes and eight boxes, and they are especially dismissive. As for? What's good enough for this? waste money! As a result, after I tried it for the first time, my pupils were instantly dilated and I couldn't extricate myself ever since! It turns out, oh, no wonder, or I don't know enough ah ~ ~ ~ must be hoarded!

# 我的囤货清单 #
最近迷恋的肉松饼是一定要囤货的!虽然友臣原味早餐肉松饼已经被夸爆了,可我还是要认真夸一下的 ,一入坑深似海!也不知道回购多少盒了!以前没吃过的时候真的不大理解为啥有些小伙伴五盒八盒地买,特别不屑一顾,至于吗?什么东西能好吃到这个份上?浪费钱!结果第一次试了以后瞬间瞳孔放大从此不能自拔!原来,哦,怪不得,还是我见识不够啊~~~~必须囤!