# 来亚米才知道的美食 # # Happy order Happy life! # # 画啦啦开课啦 ## 亚米返校季 # had only eaten a traditional flavor and taste of salted broad beans, see this crab flavor beans on Yami, try holding the mentality to buy a package to scrape together single. Who knows, the whole family loves it ❤️❤️❤️! Immediately put in a few more bags, ready to bring my son to school as a snack. The pouch packaging must be intimate, take a few bags every time you eat a few bags, not afraid of resurgence. Picture 2 is the amount poured out of a small bag, the broad beans in it are all wrapped with crab roe, and the particles are complete. Oh, the most important thing I forgot to say: Crab roe is full of flavor, crispy and delicious! That's right, and it's not greasy! Will come again in the future! Thank you Yami for providing us with such a delicious snack!
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# 来亚米才知道的美食 # # Happy order Happy life! # # 画啦啦开课啦 ## 亚米返校季 # 以前只吃过传统口味的原味和盐味蚕豆,在亚米上看到这款蟹黄味蚕豆,抱着试一试的心态买了一包来凑单。谁知一试全家人都爱了❤️❤️❤️!马上又进了几包,准备给儿子带去学校当零食。小袋包装非要贴心,每次吃几袋就取几袋,不怕回潮。图二是一小袋里倒出来的量,里面的蚕豆颗颗都包裹着蟹黄,而且颗粒完整。哦,最重要的忘了说:蟹黄味足,香酥可口!对了,而且不油膩!以后还会再进!谢谢亚米为我们提供了这么好吃的零食!