# 如7而至 # Wufu Lotus Paste Flavored Egg Yolk Crisp 🥚 There are 6⃣️ egg yolks in a box Individually packaged for convenience and hygiene Crispy outside with plenty of filling There is a thin layer of snow Mei Niang The lotus paste filling is soft and glutinous, not too sweet The egg yolk is salty and delicious together Super super thank you Yami ❤️ I finally got the egg yolk cake I've always wanted to eat 😋 During the epidemic, Yami can stock up without going out🍼 Finally ㊗️ Happy 7th Anniversary 🎊
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yami_featured_image # 如7而至 # 五福 莲蓉味蛋黄酥🥚 一盒里有6⃣️个蛋黄酥 独立包装 方便卫生 外皮酥软 内馅儿充足 有一层薄薄的雪媚娘 莲蓉馅儿软糯 没有很甜 蛋黄咸美 搭配起来超好吃 超级超级感谢亚米❤️ 终于上新了一直想吃的蛋黄酥😋 疫情期间有亚米 不出门也能囤货🍼 最后 ㊗️七周年快乐🎊