# 百万积分第7季 #
I only have the last pack left. Let’s dry it. Ma Yushan’s matcha green milk tea tastes better than his charcoal red milk tea. Maybe it’s because the black tea milk tea is too much better but the matcha milk tea is better. Not much. And this one pack can be filled with a glass of water (250+ml); the 200ml of charcoal black milk tea can't be more, otherwise it will be very weak.
The cup is marked with a code because there is a company logo hahaha, the color of the bubble is still very beautiful, not too deep. There is also less matcha powder left at the end of the drink (if you have soaked matcha powder yourself, you will find that it does not dissolve very much. I have tried N brands, so the matcha powder is relatively more suitable for desserts) .
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# 百万积分第7季 #
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