# 花式比童心 # # 趁着春光去旅行 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation5ea6d1966584138ec90
The first one is my little cutieʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
👣 This is the entrance of Mickey's 90th anniversary exhibition hall that I happened to pass by on the way to Chelsea market when I was a child with my little cutie on the high line, and punched my baby by the way! It's so cute. The walls are covered with Mickey's patterns. I also bought a box of super cute gummy as a souvenir. Gummy is like Mickey's gloves. Hahahahahahaha👋🏻
Attached is a picture looking out from the high line into the noisy city. The high line is a magical place. In such a bustling and bustling city as New York, there is such a small and very quiet and comfortable place hidden in it. Being in it is really a very special and very enjoyable feeling! Going to go again in another season! It should be another scene! (≧∇≦)
The last photo of the cute waving 😂 When I look at it and laugh once, it feels like the feel of the presidents waving. Hahaha
So I made a picture before hahaha 😂 Find it out for everyone's entertainmentʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
🥰 Happy Children's Day everyone! ! 🍬

# 花式比童心 # # 趁着春光去旅行 # # 温暖小家养成记 #
第一彈 我家的小可愛ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
👣這是之前小時候帶著小可愛去走high line下來後去了Chelsea market的路上偶然經過的Mickey 90週年紀念展館門口,順便就給寶寶打卡!灰常之可愛啊滿牆都是Mickey的圖案還買了一盒超級無敵可愛的gummy做紀念 gummy是Mickey的手套樣子喔哈哈哈哈👋🏻
再附上一張從high line上往喧鬧的城市中放眼望去的圖片。high line是個神奇的地方,在紐約這麼熱鬧繁華的城市中居然隱藏著這麼一小塊非常安靜且愜意的地方,置身其中,真的有一種非常特別並且非常享受的感覺!打算換個季節再去!應該又是另一番風景!(≧∇≦)
所以之前给拼了个图哈哈哈 😂找出来供大家娱乐娱乐ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
🥰 大家儿童节快乐呀!!🍬