#花式比童心 ##百万积分第六季 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationf75261f5e5c449aa90d1d [花式比童心 of falling in love with a sheep doll] My sister and I often go to TJ Maxx. The feature of this store is that there are a lot of children, toys, and pet toys. Of course, there are also clothes, cosmetics, skin care products, shoes, all kinds of furniture, and everything you need at home. My sister is a lover of dolls, so every time she sees a fluffy toy or a particularly cute one, she stays there for a few minutes! The kind that can't be pulled away. That day, I saw those toys with the same childish innocence as her, and I really thought they were super cute! ! ! I wish you all a friend who can go shopping with you💕💕.
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# 花式比童心 ## 百万积分第六季 # # 我要当测评官第7期 # 【花式比童心之爱上羊娃娃】 我和妹妹经常会去逛TJ Maxx。这家店的特点就是有特别多的小孩子,玩具,还有宠物玩具的地方。当然还有衣服化妆品护肤品,鞋子各种家具,家里需要的。妹妹是娃娃的爱好者,所以每次看到毛茸茸的玩具或者特别可爱的玩具都会呆上个好几分钟!拉都拉不走的那种。那天居然跟她一样有童心看到那些玩具,真的觉得超级可爱!!! 祝大家都有一个可以和自己逛街的朋友💕💕。