# 亚米经验值+1 # 62.B IDOL Bouncy Lip Balm Colored Lip Balm Moisturizing and coloring to fill lip lines Lipstick Solid Lip Gloss #07 Bound Red Crystal grape color. It is a brand made by Aidou Ventures. There are quite a lot of mint, which is very moisturizing and easy to melt. The cool feeling of the mint is obvious after you put it on your mouth. There is a sense of insecurity... This mint is completely to cover up the sticky taste of the lipstick itself , and eggs. The color is that gorgeous purple tone, and the toning is okay.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 62.B IDOL 弹润唇膏有色润唇膏 滋润显色填补唇纹口红 固体唇蜜 #07 束缚红 水晶葡萄色。是爱豆创业做的牌子,薄荷挺多的,很润很容易融化,上嘴后薄荷凉凉的感觉很明显,有种不安全感...这个薄荷完全是为了掩盖唇膏本身黏黏的口感,然并卵。颜色是那种艳丽的紫调,调色还行。