La mer Pink Ribbon🎀 Limited Cream

First purchasela mercream I bought her family's breast cancer prevention campaign commemorative money < span class="s2">I feel pink and tender and cute I don't know it at allla mer's creamscream, < /span>soft creamandgel creamThe three versions


The limited edition cream I bought iscream Hard texture needs emulsification I didn’t know how to use it at first I didn't know how to learn it 🙁 I found it difficult to use once < span class="s2">Just throw it away😑 Later Just know that cream needs to be emulsified Using la mer's essence water to emulsify and apply it to the face~


Although it sounds a bit troublesome But my friend said that it is used like this If creamreally better thansoft creamIt is much more durable☺️ (but because I am lazy Actually I still like itsoft creama little more< span class="s3">😂)


I have never been in the habit of using up a skin care product I use it alternately every day eghaba ipsa and la mer interchangeably use probably influenced by her former roommate because she said Over "Can't use the same skin care product all the time because of long-term use span>The skin will produce antibodies It will have no effect when used later 🤥


I have always liked this brand myselfla mer I have been repurchasing her creams Although a bottle is not used up But as soon as I see itnmFull200-50 Tangled and don't know what to buy When can't help but stock upla merFacial cream..😂

 # 清透妆容 # # Million Points7Season #

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La mer 粉红丝带🎀 限量面霜

第一次买la mer面霜 买的就是她家的乳腺癌防治运动纪念款 感觉粉粉嫩嫩挺可爱的 也完全不知道原来la mer的面霜分creamsoft creamgel cream这三个版本


买的这款限量版的面霜是cream 质地偏硬 需要乳化 我一开始还不懂怎么用 也不好学🙁 用了一次觉得好难用啊 就丢一边去了😑 后来才知道cream是需要乳化的 一般用la mer的精粹水乳化后可以上脸啦~


虽然听起来有点麻烦 但是朋友却说这样用的话 cream真的会比soft cream耐用好多哦☺️(但因为我懒 其实我还是喜欢soft cream多一点😂


我一直没有坚持用一种护肤品把它用完的习惯 我都是每天交替着用 比如haba ipsala mer这样换着用 可能是受之前室友的影响 因为她说过“不能一直用同一款护肤品 因为长期用 肌肤会产生抗体 导致用到后面就没有效果啦🤥


我自己一直很喜欢la mer这个牌子啦 一直回购她家的面霜 虽然一瓶都没用完 但是只要一看到nm200-50 纠结不知道要买什么的时候 就忍不住囤la mer面霜..😂

 # 清透妆容 # # 百万积分第7 #